with DJ
Conversations w/ DJ Ep 1 - Golden Tate | Superbowl Champion tuned Pickleballer!
Tennis vs. Pickleball?? | Ep.2 James Blake
Bong Water to Pro Pickleball?! | Ep.3 Callan Dawson
Beef in Pickleball?! | Ep.7 Jimmy Miller
Sushi = Chinese??| Ep.8 Lingwei Kong
Car Salesman to $80M of Real Estate| Ep.9 Rich Sommers
Life Changing Injuries as a Pro Athlete | Ep.10 Nico Barraza
Pickleball with the Stars! | Ep.11 Matt Manasse
The Next Big Racquet Sport?! | Ep.12 Marta Morga
Heckler Goes Too Far | Ep.13 Ernesto Russo
Insider on MLP Australia's Winner & #1 Netherlands Player | Roos Van Deek
Raw Diet / Strong is Beautiful !! | Cade Pierson