Morgan Evans

More or Less

Bonus | Trivia Rematch

by Morgan Evans | More or Less Pickleball

Jason Neuenschwander and Gabrielle Austin are back in the most epic Pickleball Trivia rematch of all time. (Well, at least the first ever Pickleball Trivia rematch.)

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Bonus | Trivia Rematch Transcript


Morgan:  Welcome to Pickleball Trivia! We’ve got two contestants on the line, ready to do battle, and they’ve met before. This is actually the second round of Jason Neuenschwander from Indiana versus Gabrielle Austin from Washington. They’re on the line and they’re ready to do battle. Contestant #1 will be Gabrielle. If she answers correctly, she will keep the serve and attempt to answer more questions, and go on from there. If she gets to five points, she will be today’s champion. Gabrielle did win round one, so Jason’s got some work to do. You guys ready to make the magic happen?
Gabrielle:  Let’s do it!
Jason:  So excited!

Morgan:  Exciting time to be alive.

Gabrielle, since you won the first match, we’re going to let Jason go first. He can start off proceedings. Is that okay with you, young lady?

Gabrielle:  That sounds fair. He’s going to need a leg up.

Morgan:  He definitely is, isn’t he?

Jason:  I have big legs.

Morgan:  Alright, Jason – you do, you do. They call you The Juggernaut for a reason. Well, I do anyway.

Jason, your question: An indoor Pickleball typically has how many holes?

Jason:  I’m going to go with – it’s not 40, right?
Morgan:  I cannot answer that question.

Jason:  I’m going to say 32.

Morgan:  That, unfortunately, is incorrect. That means Gabrielle gets a chance to steal the point and the serve. Gabrielle, how many holes typically do an indoor Pickleball have?

Gabrielle:  26.

Morgan:  26 is the right answer. That’s impressive – very impressive!

Jason, we’re going to need you to be more impressive if you’re going to get out of this one.

Jason:  (sighs…) I don’t play gym floor Pickleball, Morgan.

Morgan:  Well, who told you not to? It’s an important skill.

Jason:  (laughs…)

Morgan:  No – I’ve played like two tournaments in my life and yeah, not much fun.

Gabrielle:  It clearly doesn’t rain enough where you guys live.

Morgan:  I have not seen rain since the late ‘80s.

Gabrielle:  Oh my gosh! Nine months of rain here.

Morgan:  Oh, you poor thing.

Alright, so Gabrielle, you have the serve and a chance to score more points.

Your question: What year was the first National Championships?

Gabrielle:  2010 – question mark.

Morgan:  That is a question mark and that is an incorrect answer, unfortunately. That means Jason has a chance.

Jason, what year was the first National Championship?

Jason:  2007?

Morgan:  That is also incorrect. Bad luck, mate, jeez! You had – well, it’s not like you had a 50/50 chance but I thought you were going to get that one.

The correct answer was 2009, so somewhere in the middle there.

This means, Gabrielle, you still have the serve and we move on to your next question.

Who took the silver medal in the Men’s Doubles Pro in the 2019 Nationals?

Gabrielle:  Matt Wright and Collin Johns?

Morgan:  No. Not only did those two not play together, so that would have been tough – they did not do that.

Gabrielle:  Bummer.

Morgan:  So, Jason, you have a chance to steal the point.

Jason:  I don’t think Matt Wright.

Morgan:  We have to get a shot clock here, don’t we?

Jason:  Okay, I know that Matt Wright played with Daniel Moore but I don’t think they got… It was Randel Zbinden, maybe, and Adam Stone?

Morgan:  Okay, well, I do apologize to our listeners. This hasn’t gone well.

Jason:  Wait… Was it Deakin and Zbinden?

Morgan:  No, unfortunately, that’s wrong as well. You’re half right, eventually half right. In the beginning, you were 100% wrong, and then you became half right. It was Steve Deakin and Erik Lange.

So, let’s agree that we’re not off to a flying start here, shall we?

Jason:  (laughs…)

Gabrielle:  (laughs…)

Morgan:  If you force me to write more questions as we’re on the phone here, that’s going to be a problem and you both lose a point.

Jason:  At least we have nothing else to do today, Morgan.

Morgan:  This is true.
Gabrielle:  Wait, so can Jason go below zero? I think that’s only fair, right?

Morgan:  I think if he gets three in a row wrong, then we should really implement that rule.

Okay, so Gabrielle, you still have the serve and an opportunity to build upon your one point. Are you ready?

Gabrielle:  As I’ll ever be.

Morgan:  What weighs more? A pickleball or a wiffle ball?

Gabrielle:  A pickleball.

Morgan:  Oh, good, it does. Well done. Congratulations! How did you know that? Was it a guess?

Gabrielle:  No, a pickleball is way denser than a wiffle ball. That ball has more mass.

Morgan:  Okay, in fairness, a wiffle ball – and I looked this up about eight minutes ago, weighs .7 of an ounce, and a pickleball anywhere from .8 to 1 ounce, so it’s not like it’s massive.

Jason:  It seems massive.

Gabrielle:  Yeah, I definitely feel it when I have the two in my hand. Maybe that’s my superpower.

Morgan:  Alright. Well, anyway, you have the point and the serve continues.

What year was the first ever official Pickleball tournament? A little bit of history.

Gabrielle:  19…

Morgan:  Yes, so far so good.

Gabrielle:  95.

Morgan:  1995? Okay, Jason, any thoughts?

Jason:  1976, baby!

Morgan:  Oh, Jason, I’m so proud of you!

Jason:  Yeah!

Gabrielle:  Dang!

Morgan:  Jason! Good man, good man! How did you know that?

Jason:  Just randomly read a magazine about it not too long ago. I was going through the old Pickleball magazines trying to do a little studying for about 10 minutes one day.

Morgan:  Okay. Good man. Okay, well, that’s paid off.

Gabrielle:  Paid off!

Morgan:  It really paid off. Good job.

Okay, Jason, your next question since you have the serve.

When a player calls a timeout, the referee typically asks players to do what?

Jason:  Put their paddles down.

Morgan:  Yes, they do. That’s exactly right. I typically never do it because I always go and wait, handle off a little bit but that’s what they do – they do that. Goob job, mate, good job. You’re really cooking with gas.

Jason:  I think that’s my first-ever few question streak.

Morgan:  I know, yes! And that’s exactly what it is, it’s a streak. It’s a real run.

Gabrielle:  Jason, you’re blowing me out of the water, man.

Jason:  I think we’re tied.

Morgan:  Okay, it’s 2 all, let’s be honest. It’s 2 all. So I don’t know what water you’re thinking of.

Alright, here we go: Right now, there are two competing professional tours. What are they?

Jason:  The APP and the PPA.

Morgan:  Nice work. That is correct. You have three points. Gabrielle trailing by one, she has two points. We will continue the madness. Oh, you’re going to love this one.

Jason:  Oh… (laughs…)

Morgan:  Yeah, you’re going to love it. It’s a good question.

Of the three men said to have invented the game of Pickleball, one of them was a congressman. Who was it?

Jason:  Ahhh…

Morgan:  Okay, that’s a pretty serious bodily noise.

Gabrielle:  (chuckles…)

Jason:  Was it Prichard?

Morgan:  What was his first name, sorry? He’s not one of those one-name people like Cher and Madonna.

Jason:  But they’re the inventor of the sport. They should be just like single-named.

Morgan:  You make a fair point. I’ll pass that on to the governing body.

Jason:  Joel, Jake, Jack?

Morgan:  What was that first one you said?

Jason:  Joel, Jake, Jack?

Morgan:  It is Joel Prichard. Well done! By the skin of your teeth, we’re going to give it to you.

Jason:  (laughs…)

Morgan:  You’re not making this easy for me, Jason.

Okay, here we go again. This is for the win, by the way. Gabrielle, do you feel like you have a comeback in here or you’re just going to lay down for this one?

Gabrielle:  Oh, no, I’m definitely going to fight until the end, for sure, Morgan.

Morgan:  Okay, excellent, excellent.

Alright, Jason, this one’s a little tricky: Who won the Women’s Senior Pro Singles in the very first US Open?

You can just say pass now if you want.

Jason:  I will pass.

Morgan:  That’s a good call. Gabrielle?

Gabrielle:  I know this is so wrong but Jennifer Lucore?

Morgan:  That’s not 100 wrong. I mean it’s 100% wrong but it’s not far off. The answer, unfortunately, was Bonnie Williams.

Gabrielle:  Oh..

Morgan:  Alright, so Jason, you still have the serve and a chance for the win. This one is going to be tricky.

According to, what was the last tournament played?

Jason:  Springs Fling.

Morgan:  Did you say Springs Fling?

Jason:  Yeah, the Spring Fling?

Morgan:  The Spring Fling…

Jason:  Oh, wait, can I change my answer?

Morgan:  Let me check with the judges… And the judges are in the restroom, so yes, go for it.

Jason:  I’m going to say Cupid Smash.

Morgan:  Cupid Smash, that sounds nice. That is unfortunately incorrect though but they sound like good tournaments.

Gabrielle, the last tournament ever played. And this is like a future history thing in case this whole apocalypse thing doesn’t really work out for us. This will go down as the last Pickleball tournament ever.

Gabrielle:  Pickleball Station 4.0 Tournament in Kent, Washington?

Morgan:  No, that is incorrect, unfortunately. The last tournament played was the Total Turf Saint Patty’s Day Pickleball Tournament, and that was on the 14th of March, in Pittman, New Jersey.

So, really surprised you guys didn’t get that. That’s unfortunate. And a shoutout to Melissa McCurly for providing me with that trivia answer. Thank you, sweetie!

Alright, Jason, you still have the serve. It’s been a bit of stall. This one you might be able to get. I’ve got a good feeling about it.

In feet, what are the dimensions of a service box?

We’ve got to get this time limit.

Jason:  Ten by – let’s see.. 44 minus 7, it would be…

Morgan:  Okay, come on here…

Jason:  10 by 15.

Morgan:  10 by 15, that is correct! You got there eventually. Well done, Jason “The Juggernaut” Neuenschwander. Congratulations, mate!

Gabrielle:  Way to go, Jason!

Jason:  Thank you! Thank you for going easy on me today.

Gabrielle:  Oh yeah.

Morgan:  Hey, I threw a couple of tough ones.

Jason:  I wasn’t talking to you, Morgan.

Morgan:  Oh, I see.

Gabrielle:  I really held back.

Jason:  (laughs…)

Morgan:  (chuckles…)

Gabrielle:  Felt like it was your turn to win. I was just being nice.

Morgan:  You’re a sweetheart. There’s no doubt about it.

Jason:  You were way more supportive than the trash talk that we both had last time.

Gabrielle:  Oh, maybe that was it. Maybe I need to trash it out more.

Morgan:  That makes a big difference.

Jason:  Yeah, when you start talking trash, I totally just go right there as opposed to paying attention to what’s actually going on in the game.

Gabrielle:  Alright, so the intimidation thing, I got to bring that out more.

Morgan:  Indeed, indeed.

Jason:  (laughs…) Maybe not intimidation. It’s more distraction.

Gabrielle:  Okay, alright. Well, now I know. It’s good to know how to play your opponents.

Morgan:  So this means, Gabrielle, you have won round one.  Jason has won round two. Looks like we’re going to have to do a round three at some point. Are you both up for that?

Jason:  Yeah, baby!

Gabrielle:  Yeah, come on!

Morgan:  Okay. Awesome! Well, thank you both so much for joining us.

This has been another episode of Pickleball Trivia. I’m Morgan Evans, this has been fun! Take it easy, folks!



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